To rebuild a capstan for the Hp-85, 9815, 9825 tape drive, you need:

- Dremel tool + #402 mandrel + #194 HS cutter.

- Very fine sandpaper 3M 255p or similar,

- Pliers to hold the joint.

- Silicon tap joints: D10mmxd4mmxT4mm.

- Cutter or X-Acto

  • Basis: standard rubber tap joints
  • Each joint is D10mmxd4mmxT4mm
  • Our target is: D8mmxd6,5mmxT3,5mm
  • Dremel tool + #402 mandrel (Aufspanndorne
  • Mount the joint on the mandrel
  • Speed=5000rpm, MAX=7500rpm
  • Use 3M 255p sandpaper
  • Machine joint halfway to dimension